How Many Characters Are There In Free Fire?

How Many Characters Are There In Free Fire

A huge roster of characters is one of the reasons why Free Fire has gained such profound popularity amongst a huge and loyal fan base. These characters are amazing, exceptional, and unique. They have each got different abilities and bring something unique to the table.

There are around 32 to 38 total characters in Free Fire and this makes the game highly impressive. You can purchase and unlock these characters by spending diamonds in the game. Some of these characters can also be bought via luck royale or top-up rewards.

So, if you are a fervent fan of Free Fire and want to learn more about how many characters are there in Free Fire in the game and what they have to offer then keep on reading:

Who Are the Free Fire Characters and What Do They Do?

There are numerous characters in Free Fire and each of them is unique and influences the game differently. These characters are based on real-life personalities that are loved by fans. Each character in Free Fire advance server has different powers and abilities. You can use these characters and their abilities to gain an edge over the competition if you learn to employ them effectively.

These characters have passive and active skills with the passive being constantly active while the active skills need to be activated manually within the game. The active skills need a period to cool down before they can be used again.

Why Free Fire Characters Play a Crucial Role

Free Fire allows players to use different characters with different powers that can profoundly affect gameplay. The main characters available in the game along with their abilities are explained as follows:

  • 1. Alok:
  •  This character can create an aura measuring 5 meters that enhances the movement speed of allies by 10% and restores 5 HP for 5 seconds. You can’t stack this effect.
  • 2. Chrono:
  •  This character can create a force field that can block damage from enemies up to 600. The player can shoot from inside the force field and his movement speed will be increased by 15%. These effects are recharged after 40 seconds and last for 9 seconds.
  • K (Captain Booyah):
  •  This character’s ability enhances maximum EP by 50 points. Allies within 6 meters get a 500% increase in the rate of EP conversion in jiu-jitsu mode. This effect recovers 3 Eps every 2.2 seconds up to 150 Eps in psychology mode.
  • 4. Kelly:
  •  This character increases sprinting speed by a percentage of 6.
  • 5. Hayato:
  • This character’s ability enhances armor penetration rate by 7.5% with every 10% mitigation in maximum health.
  • 6. Moco:
  •  This character’s ability allows the player to tag rival players for 2 seconds and their information is then shared with teammates.
  • 8. Skyler:
  •  This character can release a sonic wave that damages 5 logo walls within 50 meters. The cooldown for this ability is 50 seconds and every logo wall deployed will give health recovery that starts from 4 points.
  • 9. Clu:
  •  This character can uncover the location of enemies within 50 meters that aren’t squatting or prone. This effect requires a cooldown of 60 seconds and lasts for 7.5 seconds.
  • 10. Steffie:
  •  This character makes graffiti that mitigates damage from explosions by 25% and bullet damage by 5%. This effect lasts for 10 seconds and cools down after 45 seconds.
  • 11. Jota:
  •  This ability restores a small amount of HP with each shotgun or SMG kill. It requires a cooldown period of 5 seconds.
  • 12. A124:
  •  This character’s ability can convert 20 EP in 4 seconds. It requires a cool-down period of 10 seconds.
  • 13. Wukong:
  •  Wukong can transform into a bush for 10 seconds. It does require a cooldown of 300 seconds but it can be reset after attaining a kill.
  • 14. Miguel:
  •  This character’s ability can provide players with 80 EP for each kill made.
  • 15. Laura:
  •  Laura’s ability enhances accuracy by 35% while the player is scoped in.
  • 16. Rafael:
  • This ability increases the bleeding rate in enemies by 45% for successful shots. Gunshots are also silenced.
  • 17. Maxim:
  • This character’s ability reduces the time needed to eat mushrooms and use medikits by 25%.
  • 18. Misha:
  •  Mish increases the player’s driving speed by a rate of 20% and also mitigates the damage sustained while driving in vehicles by 30%.
  • 19. Nikita:
  •  This ability allows for 24% faster reloading of SMGs.
  • 20. Kapella:
  • This ability enhances the effect of healing skills and items by 10%. It also reduces the HP loss rate of allies by 20%.
  • 21. Joseph:
  • This ability increases movement speed while taking damage by 20%. This ability lasts for 2 seconds.
  • 22. Dasha:
  • This character’s ability alleviates the damage taken by 50% and recovery time by 80% from falls. It also reduces weapon recoil buildup and maximum recoil by 10%.

Complete List of Free Fire Characters Based on Their Active and Passive Abilities

You can find the complete list of all Free Fire characters and their abilities as follows:

CharacterAbility NameAbility Description
AlokDrop the BeatForms an aura that enhances the movement speed and restores the HP of allies.
ChronoTime TurnerForms a force field that blocks damage and enhances the the speed of movement.
K (Captain Booyah)Master of AllChanges between enhancing EP conversion rate and restoring EP.
SkylerRiptide RhythmInflicts damage on gloo walls and restores HP with each deployed gloo wall.
CluTracing StepsDelineates enemies locations who are not in squatting or prone positions.
SteffiePainted RefugeForms graffiti, mitigating damage from bullets and explosives.
A124Thrill of BattleSwitches EP to HP.
WukongCamouflageChanges into a bush for camouflage.
WayneXtreme EncounterAcquires momentary HP and enhanced damage to shields and floor walls.
DimitriHealing HeartbeatForms a zone for healing.
ShiroDamage DeliveredDelineates enemies who hit the character, and the first shot on these enemies inflicts greater armor penetration.
KellyDashEnhances speed of sprinting.
HayatoBushidoEnhances the rate of armor penetration with plummeting HP.
MocoHacker’s EyeHighlights enemies shot and shares this information with allies.
JotaSustained RaidsReplenishes HP with every kill made with a shotgun or SMG.
MiguelCrazy SlayerIt endows EP for every kill.
LauraSharp ShooterEnhances accuracy while scoped in.
RafaelDead SilentIncreases the rate of bleeding for enemies and silences gunshots.
MaximGluttonyMitigates the time required for eating mushrooms and using medkits.
MishaAfterburnerEnhances speed while driving and alleviates vehicle damage.
NikitaFirearms ExpertRapidly improved rate of reload for SMG.
KapellaHealing SongMitigates the rate of HP loss for allies and enhances the effects of healing items and skills.
JosephNutty MovementEnhances the speed of movement upon sustaining damage.
DashaPartying OnMitigates the damage taken from falls and weapon recoil.
ShirouDamage DeliveredTags enemies who hit the character and enhances damage inflicted on them.
D-BeeBullet BeatsEnhances the speed of movement and accuracy while moving and firing.
OliviaHealing TouchRevitalizes allies with greater HP.
AndrewArmor SpecialistLowers the rate of loss for armor durability.
FordIron WillMitigates damage sustained outside the safe zone.
CarolineAgilityEnhances the speed of movement while holding a shotgun.
AntonioGangster’s SpiritCommences with greater HP.
PalomaArms-dealingCan equip AR ammo without consuming inventory space.
NoraRacer’s BlessingRestores HP for all passengers in a vehicle.
MiguelCrazy SlayerReceives EP for every kill made.
KlaMuay ThaiEnhances damage from fists.

What Are the Character Progression Rewards in Free Fire?

You can get numerous rewards and ability enhancements by leveling up your characters in Free Fire.

Character Progression: Exciting Rewards for Every Level

The main reward that you get for leveling up your characters is the enhancement of their special abilities. The skill of a character develops as you level up. For example:

  • Alok’s skill “Drop the Beat” duration and HP Restoration rate increase after leveling up.
  • Chrono’s “Time Turner” force field ability’s duration increases and the cooldown period decreases after leveling up.

Unlocking the Power of Skill Slots

You can unlock extra skill slots for equipping more skills from other characters. You usually start out with a single slot but the number of these slots can be increased by leveling up.

Character Shards

These fragments are mostly used to level up characters in Free Fire. You can upgrade your character to the next level if you have the required number of fragments in your inventory. You can get these fragments by completing events, and participating in matches, or simply getting them from the store.

Gold Coins

Gold is a prominent and normal currency reward that you get pets and characters in Free Fire. You can buy characters, items, and other resources in Free Fire with Gold.


Diamonds are rare currency items that you can get after upgrading your character to certain levels.

Unlock Rare and Exclusive Items

You can get some exclusive items such as emotes, outfits, and more for leveling up certain characters. These items are unique and related to that certain Character.

Example of Leveling Up

You can refer to the following as an example of how a character’s ability levels up:

  • Alok’s “Drop the Beat” Skill: Unleashing Its Full Potential:
  • Level 1: 5m aura, enhances ally speed of movement by 10%, replenishes 5 HP/s for 5 seconds.
  • Level 2: 5m aura, enhances ally speed of movement by 11%, replenishes 5 HP/s for 6 seconds
  • Level 3: 5m aura, enhances ally speed of movement by 12%, replenishes 5 HP/s for 7 seconds
  • Level 4: 5m aura, enhances ally speed of movement by 13%, replenishes 5 HP/s for 8 seconds
  • Level 5: 5m aura, enhances ally speed of movement by 14%, replenishes 5 HP/s for 9 seconds
  • Level 6: 5m aura, enhances ally speed of movement by 15%, replenishes 5 HP/s for 10 seconds

Top 5 Free Fire Characters

1. Kelly

Kelly is a lithe and capable sprinter who is extremely fond of running. She is renowned for her agile and speedy build in the game.

Power: Dash

  • Character Advancement Rewards Explained:
  • Effect: Enhances the speed of sprinting by a percentage.
  • Level 1: Enhances Speed of sprinting by 1%.
  • Level 2: Enhances Speed of sprinting by 2%.
  • Level 3: Enhances Speed of sprinting by 3%.
  • Level 4: Enhances Speed of sprinting by 4%.
  • Level 5: Acquire the Kelly ‘The Swift’ character and “Deadly Velocity” skill.
  • Level 6: Enhance Speed of sprinting by 5%.

2. Andrew

Andrew is an ex-police officer known for his resilient and tough disposition. Andrew’s Law enforcement experience makes him a trustworthy and formidable comrade in battle.

Ability: Armor Proficiency

  • Character Advancement Rewards Explained:
  • Effect: Mitigates the loss rate of armor durability.
  • Level 1: Mitigates the loss of armor durability by 2%.
  • Level 2: Mitigates the loss of armor durability by 4%.
  • Level 3: Mitigates the loss of armor durability by 6%.
  • Level 4: Mitigates the loss of armor durability by 8%.
  • Level 5: Acquire an extra skill slot.
  • Level 6: Mitigates the loss of armor durability by 10%.

3. Nikita

Nikita is an expert bodyguard who is an expert in using firearms, especially SMGs. Her commitment to her craft makes her an impressive and capable defender.

Ability: Firearms Expert

  • Character Advancement Rewards Explained:
  • Effect: Increased Reloads rate for SMGs.
  • Level 1: Enhances speed of reload by 4%.
  • Level 2: Enhances speed of reload by 8%.
  • Level 3: Enhances speed of reload by 12%.
  • Level 4: Enhances speed of reload by 16%.
  • Level 5: Acquire another skill slot.
  • Level 6: Enhances speed of reload by 20%.


Ford is an ex-Navy sailor who has acquired a potent will and level of endurance. His survival skills are second to none, making him a formidable ally in tough and dangerous situations.

Ability: Unbreakable Determination:

  • Character Advancement Rewards Explained:
  • Effect: Mitigate damage sustained outside the safe zone.
  • Level 1: Lessens damage sustained outside the safe zone by 4%.
  • Level 2: Lessens damage sustained outside the safe zone by 8%.
  • Level 3: Lessens damage sustained outside the safe zone by 12%.
  • Level 4: Lessens damage sustained outside the safe zone by 16%.
  • Level 5: Acquire an extra skill slot.
  • Level 6: Lessens damage sustained outside the safe zone by 20%.

5. Olivia

Olivia is a nurse with an empathetic heart and a profound sense of duty. She is committed to healing and supporting her team, making her a superb and crucial support character.

Skill: Revitalizing Touch:

  • Character Advancement Rewards Explained:
  • Effect: Revitalizes allies with increased HP.
  • Level 1: Revitalizes teammates with six more HP.
  • Level 2: Revitalizes teammates with 12 more HP.
  • Level 3: Revitalizes teammates with 12 more HP.
  • Level 4: Revitalizes teammates with 12 more HP.
  • Level 5: Provides an extra skill slot.
  • Level 6: Revitalizes teammates with 12 more HP.

How to Rapidly Increase Your Character’s Power

  1. You can acquire EXP or experience points by engaging in matches with the character of your choice that you intend to level up.
  2. Utilize character fragments that are related to the character that you intend to level up.
  3. Engage in special events and fulfill missions that endow experience points or character fragments.
  4. You can buy level-up or character fragments by utilizing diamonds or gold.


Free Fire characters are amazing and it is their special abilities and exceptional gameplay styles that make this game an absolute blast. You now know about them all so choose the one that best matches your playing style and proclivities. We are sure that you will enjoy the experience immensely, so choose your character and start playing.

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